Bank Holiday - great weather for getting out in the garden/ allotment and having a BBQ? No, not today. Great weather for measuring up, pricing up wood for making things, & sitting inside updating the blog!!
So, what have we been doing in the allotment over the last few weeks?
Since the last pictures of the peas, beans & broccoli/ cabbages that we brought over from the back garden - most of these aren't doing so well - possibly the birds or slugs have got them, or it could just be that ripping them up & re-planting somewhere else isn't the best thing to do...
In the picture above, you can also just see the gooseberry and raspberry bushes we transplanted from the side area on the left - hoping that Jane hasn't done the same with these, and they survive enough to give us fruit next year!!!!
The trailer was also really useful - given that it would probably have taken 15 years to incinerate the rubbish and weeds dug out so far! - throwing stuff in there was so much quicker!!!
End 12th August - Sean had done a fantastic job with the ground where we're planning to put the compost bin: thousands of metres of nettle roots... all in the trailer...
Yeah for Gordon and his rotivator attachment!!
After digging the 6 beds by hand, we decided to take one of our neighbours up on his offer of rotivating a big area of the allotment still left - he couldn't get to the other bit due to the big trailer being in the way.
So, next bit if the experiment - hand-dug or rotivated - which will produce most weeds?
However, it did make us think again about the direction we're going to plant in...
Didn't get much more done that weekend... Jane had been planting in the garden & hurt her knee - gardening injuries led to the pub...
Back on track this weekend:
Sean likes his strimmer. We forgot to take photos last time Sean strimmed. On Saturday he decided that the weeds in next-doors allotment were getting too high and starting to seed... so needed to go...
Another present from our neighbour, Winter caulis - Sean decides to plant in the other direction - not strictly in a straight line, but given that nothing else is yet straight...
Sean looks so proud!!...
Just yesterday... at the beginning of the day we decided to tackle the gooseberry bushes & couch grass. Even though the poison & strimmer had made a big dent in the area, there was nothing else to work than old-fashioned digging...
By the end of the day, & several bags of weeds/ roots later...
Starting to look good.... next project is the area on the right of the picture below...
However, back to the information at the top... it's Bank Holiday Monday... Why did we think we might get more work done? It's raining, cold & windy...
But we've started pricing up wood to make support structures for the fruit bushes...
its a big garden!