Saturday, 27 October 2012

7th October, 2012

A Retrospective from:   7th October, 2012:

September went by in a bit of a Sean's birthday-related haze... just a bit of weeding done to keep the allotment going, but nothing to really write about or photograph!

October arrives & we need to start thinking about getting the place ready for winter... tidying, sorting, & getting the ground ready for the frost & snow....

First things first... starting to burn the bags of weeds...

Ready for burning...
Can't beat a bit of petrol to get the flames going!!
With a bit of digging and weeding our soil, & the whole allotment, is starting to look more like it did in our imaginations when we started (although no fantastic produce just yet)!!!

After quite a lot of thought, discussion, and searching online and in the shops, we decided to just build our own compost bin - making it so heavy that it won't blow away, although forgetting to consider that it just might sink into the ground, making it look as if we hadn't ever heard of a spirit level!

Before we put anything in it, we did momentarily consider whether we should convert it into an outside loo!!

We're so proud of our ongoing work. However, the allotment is constantly at risk of encroachment of weeds from the next allotment. Along with some of the other allotment owners, we're wondering when the person who owns the one next to ours is going to come and start to do some work? Although Sean has strimmed it a few times, and others have also had 'a bit of a go', it just looks like a dumping area with weeds...

However, even weeds look good in the setting sunshine!

Doing a 'compare and contrast' at least makes us feel good about how much we've got done!!
At the end of the day, as the sun is low in the sky, we review our hard work:
Despite the grass re-growing, it's starting to look good!

Long shadows offer the opportunity to try to look like a teapot - just couldn't get my spout in the right  direction!!!

Off to the pub.... Roll on next weekend!!!

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