Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Day 2: 01.07.12

1st July.

July already??!! The difficulty in getting the plot this late in the year is that there's no time to clear the site of weeds and then get things planted at the right times.
We're so wanting to get the plot producing something other than the weeds!

Somewhere under the nettles, couch grass and that sticky stuff are fruit bushes... and under the part-strimmed weeds and nettles is some great soil.

At the beginning of the second day... fruit bushes to the left of the picture, and evidence of the great soil where the shed used to be...

Sean digging...

You can just about see Jane behind the bushes... cutting back the grasses and nettles.
In the background you can see the standard of allotments we are aspiring to...

End of day 2: Sean's little bare patch and Jane's trimmed bushes!!!!

Oh... so much more to do....


  1. excellent stuff you two, I will read with interest and can chip in with my own ups and downs over the last few years

  2. Looks like a good sized plot, and you are making progress already! Looking forward to more updates. Exciting times! :o)
