Sunday, 29 July 2012

End July...

The end of July... where did the month go??

Despite planning to do lots of work on the allotment this month, we've been faced with quite a bit of weather, finishing off entries for the Gateshead Flower Show, and having to do stuff for work....

But we're still progressing at a slow pace...

Sean's got a couple of new toys to play with... a petrol strimmer which has proved very useful... and a couple of things that we're yet to try out - an incinerator for the weeds, and a post-basher-in!

We've gathered more gooseberries so Sean's working on perfecting his jams, and we've been given onions, a lettuce and more fresh eggs from our kind and helpful neighbours...

Not many photos... just our growing number of bare patches... but each time we look there are more weeds!!!

Sean weeding & 4 bare patches...

Increased to 6 patches... just waiting for planting!
So, onwards and upwards... plans to plant green stuff over the next few weeks & clear more areas of weeds. We're also going to get rid of as much rubbish in the white bags as possible - composting (once we've found, bought and installed an appropriate compost bin) or burning as much as we can, and hoping the Council might collect the un-recyclable waste...

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