Only time to do one day's work...
So as Sean started to 'treat' the weediest end of the plot, Jane continued to turn over the patch dug last weekend, and take out even more roots and weeds. Starting to dig the second patch turned out to be too much for weak digging muscles and a blunt spade...
To treat or not to treat? That is the question.
So we were faced with the perennial question faced by all new allotmenteers. Do we use poison to get rid of the weeds or do we spend months of backbreaking work to dig the little buggers out?
I'm afraid we wimped out and decided to treat with glysophate. We consulted books, Internet blogs, forums, people on the allotment and that bloke down the pub. The only thing we worked out for sure was that each person you ask will give you a different opinion, some will be blazé and assure you 'yeah just stick loads of poison on there, it'll be fine' to other people with their holier than thou opinions who believe that you shouldn't even weed, 'as like all plants have like a total right to life dude' to others who suggest a non poison dig for England, orbanic or broke, cover it with carpet etc attitude. We figured we don't have forever as we both work, digging is very very tiring and time consuming, plus we want to grow something this decade. We treated half the site and will dig half. Do an experiment, see which will be best for future weed suppression. We'll let you know how it goes.
Hard work and time for a sit down... made all the better by having a lovely flask of coffee!
Before long the sun came out...
And time to dig again... third patch...
But it is starting to look like we've buried the neighbours!!!!
Actually, we have met several of the neighbours today... mainly really helpful suggestions about how we can get rid of the weeds, and reminders that it's OK to take our time...
However, we suspect that maybe there's some doubt that we'll actually get the job done...
But at the end of the day we were offered the opportunity to pick several bushes of ripe gooseberries... although we ended up with lots of scratches and nettle prickles, we've now got a bagful of fruit ready for jamming... and all without planting anything yet!!!
So, the end of another week... slow progress, but progress made!
glycophosphate or not, if you're allowed it carpet is the best weapon you available. The weeds are relentless bastards. The only way to stop them is to have your own plants covering the ground or have something else covering it.